28 Oct Unique Ideas for Your Wedding Reception Coffee Bar
How to get you through the evening with a bit of caffeine.
Following your cocktail reception, ceremony and reception toast, It’s likely that a handful of people (and yourself!) may require an additional push to get on dancing. One way to provide the necessary boost is by providing an energy boost with caffeine. “Coffee bars are a YES,” shares planner Syrhonda Calhoun from the A Monique Affair. “It’s the perfect method to keep your loved ones energized when it’s time for have a party.”
Coffees are an essential element of weddings. “To keep the celebration going and the energy high, we always recommend a coffee break. We enjoy using specialty coffees, passing sweets along with espressos, or focusing to something more meaningful such as drinking a local beverage.
Although you could place a couple of hot water and coffee Urns next to the food table, There are some ways to make your coffee station more unique. We asked our experts to share their most popular ideas to spice your reception.
Hire a Barista

Although you could always serve a standard coffee or tea, Why not do the most unique beverages for your beloved ones? “Create an interactive experience with your guest,” suggests Calhoun. “You could hire a skilled barista who will pour handmade coffee and provide suggestions and tips they can take home. Think about it like a bridal gift that will keep brewing.”
Calhoun says, “If you and your partner own a particular coffee shop, inquire about catering and make them part of your memorable day. Making each cup of hot tea brewed bearing you personal monogram or edible pictures is an original addition.” She says, “Don’t forget your non coffee drinkers! Include a selection of premium teas and , of course, the hot chocolate for kids and marshmallows.”
Ritchie echoes her sentiment. “Our Cuban clients had a custom-designed coffee expert on site whipping up delicious concoctions, that were massive reception,” she remembers of one wedding. However, she gives some suggestions for planning. “If you are planning planned a tent wedding make sure you are aware that the coffee maker that is in the tent for catering could make or damage your power grid. We ensure the use of a different generator and circuit to the catering tent and an appropriate circuit to brew coffee!”
Make a Toast

It is a commonplace at weddings to hold a champagne toast during the reception. You can, however, think about changing the toast to create a lively applause that everyone can join in. “Think about including an espresso shot at after toasts, where the couple sincerely thanks everyone who came and supported their efforts,” offers Calhoun. “At the end of the toasts, the catering staff will bring out a set of espresso shots for guests to drink.” We love this idea to get the party going before dancing and being mindful of guests who aren’t drinking alcohol.
Try a Coffee Cocktail

If your guests are inclined to enjoy some liquor or booze, consider serving a coffee-infused spiked drink to spice up the evening. Calhoun recommends being imaginative or opting for a classic drink such as one of Irish Coffee. Of course, you can also serve an espresso-based martini. But Ritchie suggests changing them to make them more attractive.
” Espresso martinis are the mason jars in the world of weddings this moment,” she says. “For an alternative to the over-saturated classic (albeit delicious ) treat) you can serve miniature versions to guests on the dance floor, or serve them as a post-dinner drink at toasts, with a sweet bite. You’ll have less spillage but you’ll enjoy the caffeine rush!”
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